John Holliman, the untold story of the late journalist and his concern for astronaut safety and why his death, reported worldwide as a car accident, was almost certainly murder.

Shuttle commander Curt Brown, holding a photo of John Holliman, pays tribute to him in a live transmission from earth orbit. Next to Brown is John Glenn. CNN said John Holliman was one of it's most loved. CNN did not even rerun the afternoon tribute from space on it's evening news shows, odd wouldn't you say?

This document begins with a tribute written by a John Holliman viewer in September of 1998:

"It is indeed very sad to know that John Holliman, one of the country's most respected journalist and my personal favorite, is no more... When I came to know on this past Saturday, I just couldn't believe... I wish it were not true... I was looking forward to seeing his program about the John Glenn's return into space, which he was to co-host with Walter Cronkite. Being a space enthusiast, I always enjoyed his reporting/presentation about space related programs on CNN. I still remember how nicely and enthusiastically he reported Mars Pathfinder story--one of the biggest story of last year--to billions of viewers all over the world. I also remember his small though memorable performance in a movie Contact. He was full of enthusiasm and lifeforce...Hey John, I am definitely going to miss you, your programs and last but not the least your smile.

My thoughts and prayers are with his family. May God bless his family at this time of hardship. With love and tears, I say goodbye to you...


The 1997 timeframe of this story...

Early in 1997 John Holliman was heard to express concern over flames burning the bottom of the space shuttle fuel tank during his tv coverage of a shuttle launch, he indicated other reporters also expressed their concern after viewing the flames on the bottom of the shuttle fuel tank. John Holliman subsequently queried NASA and they replied to him that they were not concerned about the flames as the tank was well insulated.

After evaluation of the situation with the flames a concerned person sent John Holliman, radio talk show host Art Bell, and Senator Ernest Hollings the following document via fax, click on the following link to view the duplicate as sent, two pages long, then return back here with your back button to view the rest of the story.

Click here:Document sent to the above recipients in May of 1997

Within days, in an internet article on, John Holliman wrote of a talk he had with Dan Goldin. Goldin told Holliman that he(Goldin)was worried about the Mir and Holliman should worry about the Mir also.

Early the following week CNN and John Holliman sent a news crew to the studio of Art Bell (tapes of the show may still be available for purchase). You will notice a statement on the show to the effect that if he (Art Bell) went with "this" NASA could go to the FCC and he could lose his franchise; the document was not mentioned on his show or on CNN.

In an interview with in July of 1997 John Holliman stated that John Glenn said he might be going back into space during the summer of 1998.

Knowledgeable reporters, working under the Freedom of Information act, found major problems at NASA. These were some opening words in the 9/18/97 House Science Subcommittee hearing on Shuttle--Mir safety, by Rep. James Sensenbrenner. One should obtain and watch a copy of this hearing.

The shuttle continued to fly and about a month after the 9/18/97 hearing NASA administrator Dan Goldin made a scheduled two hour visit to Focus Hope in Detroit, Michigan, the hometown of the originator of the above document sent to John Holliman, followed the same day by a trip to Troy, Michigan and a solar power cell maker there.

Through the end of 1997 the shuttle continued to fly, NASA said there were no problems and even said they launched one more than the scheduled number of shuttles, they also said they were glad the hearings were over as it interfered with their work. Note that the first shuttle flight after the 9/18/97 hearing was preceded by a news conference in which Dan Goldin said the space program belonged to the American people and launch decisions should not be based on fear or politics and that he was going to "support" the decision to launch. The wording is important here, take note. View the news conference to hear the tenor and emphasis of the subject matter.

The 1998 timeframe of this story...

The following document was sent, via fax on 1/12/98, to John Holliman, Rep. Sensenbrenner, Rep. Brown, and Senator Hollings. Click on the following link to view this original document, which is three pages long, then return back here with your back button to view the rest of this story.

Click here: Document sent to John Holliman et al on 1/12/98.

Following are four consecutive images showing times of facsimiles; followed by the continuing story...

Rep.Sensenbrenner--4:11p.m. EST

-------John Holliman--2:13p.m. EST
-----------Rep. Brown--4:15p.m. EST
Mr. Holliman--4:36p.m.,Sen. Hollings--2:06p.m. EST

On the afternoon of 1/12/98 an impromptu press conference on Iraq was called and conducted at the White House. Several days later in the week came a news conference with NASA announcing the return of John Glenn to space, with Dan Goldin saying John Glenn knew there was a chance he wouldn't be coming back.

The following week saw the start of the major scandal we all know about. It was now clear that Congress had been deceived about the real problems with the shuttle and someone had ordered the shuttle to continue to fly even though a fix for the problem, as described earlier, was in the works. A safety problem existed with the shuttle that was in the process of being fixed but the shuttle was ordered to keep flying before the fix was implemented; at the same time Congress was told there was no problem, even after their hearing of 9/18/97. Of course this was an extremely serious matter, with the safety of the astronauts being needlessly jeopardized. It may well have served as a trigger event to pursue the other felonious charges against the administration in the White House, or otherwise accelerate it; The straw that broke the camel's back. And the straw that was hidden from the public, for whatever reason.

In February of 1998 at the VA hospital in Detroit two men in black suits were waiting in the lobby for Art Heald to arrive for an appointment, upon seeing this he left. A man approached Heald in the hall of the hospital, asking for bus fare. The man was given the fare but several days later and five miles to the north this same man was seen in a supermarket by Heald, and he was not carrying any groceries, as he walked through the store.

Shortly thereafter a notice from Michcon gas company was received telling Heald that customer gas meter estimates would no longer be accepted and that an annual safety inspection of the house was required or the gas might be shut off. Note that annual safety inspections are not a requirement and Michcon made estimates previously but now refused customer estimates; very abrubtly. It was now clear that the gas company was being used by somebody to try to get at Mr. Heald. Contact was not made with Michcon. After the car of Heald was stolen in early April of 1998 he decided not to replace it for security reasons. A few months later several calls from the Somerset Inn in Troy, ten miles north of Detroit, spaced over several weeks, were received by Heald, these calls were not answered. It was obvious that someone from out of town, and well funded, was now covertly hunting Mr. Heald. Many other calls, of private origin on a caller ID unit, were made to Heald and none of course were answered. On a disability and not working, a low profile was maintained by Heald, knocks on the door, sometimes immediately following the deliberately "private" calls, by unknown persons who left no literature were numerous, and went unanswered.

Then on September 10, 1998 the day before the release of the Starr Report, and two days before the death of John Holliman, the telephone at the home of Art Heald, who had communicated the above documents to John Holliman, rang from early morning to evening almost nonstop and was interspersed with single rings as if the operator was checking the circuits, one of the calls was from a "David Reid" whose number registered as 838-3637, lots of people with that name in the area, but none with that number. Nothing like this, before or after, was ever experienced. The calls went unanswered. No calls were received on Friday, the following day. Then over the weekend CNN and Bernard Shaw were heard to say a CNN news journalist had been killed in an "accident" and I was shocked but not at all surprised to hear it was John Holliman and his killing was on Saturday morning September 12, 1998, the day after the release of the Starr Report. He had probably been set up. John Holliman had left a message to his young son Jay running on the computer in his office. Now it was clear that Mr. Heald was likely the target of killers and was scheduled to be murdered before or just after Mr. Holliman's lethal "accident". And likely earlier in the year as well.

A day or so later, on a newscast, Rep. Tom DeLay approached a news camera and said he couldn't prove anything but that persons who had access to the oval office might have conspiracy to intimidate Congress added to the list of crimes; this was probably a reference to the killing of John Holliman. You may recall a personnel change did take place sometime later. Does all this start to become clear? Like pieces of a puzzle coming together. Some persons in Congress may, for whatever reason, not have been able to disclose the part that the shuttle flights played in the decision making process; but it is likely that the conversations between the Congressmen were illegally monitored by covert agencies connected to the White House. So when the time was right the John Holliman death would be made to look like and be reported as an "accident" to the general population; but Congress alone would know what happened and get the message, or threat. With the record of deaths, a long list of dead people, surrounding the executive branch, nobody should be startled by this. In an article by Christopher Ruddy entitled "Arkansas' Murderous Ways" dated October 22,1998 reference is made to another veteran journalist, a Gene Wirges, who had survived several assasination attempts, including a phony car crash.

The next Monday night, September 14, Art Bell read a fax from an eyewitness in Georgia saying Holliman was speeding and passing cars, CNN called in later that night to say this was not so. Here were conflicting stories of the "accident". A couple of weeks later Art Bell, in a September 30 interview with New times magazine, alluded to threats by men in black suits coming to his home, and exactly one month after the death of John Holliman, Art Bell quit his talk show without notice, returning a day or so prior to John Glenn returning to space. Of course Art Bell knew about the shuttle document also, as did John Holliman. And of course the truths and deceptions that John Holliman knew about could not be told by him now.

The 1999 timeframe of this story...

On January 12, Bill Clinton flew into Detroit and visited the United Auto Workers headquarters, this was two days prior to a long standing scheduled January 14 appointment by Heald at the VA hospital in Detroit. The appointment was, of course, not kept and there was evidence on the same day that Heald was being stalked by at least one unknown person, a man.

Monday night,March 8,at the beginning of his talk show Art Bell announced that his friend Richard C. Hoagland, also a friend of John Holliman, suffered a major heart attack a couple of days after Art Bell appeared on the Larry King Live show. Art Bell also spoke of a "criminal element" in government and said we all have to die and he did not want to die in a wimpy sort of way and so the "war was on". Obviously, subsequent to this March 8, 1999, announcement, talk radio hosts all across America then backed up Art Bell and jumped on the criminality of the current administration. We also know of the attempts to destroy Art Bell and his reputation by a couple of short wave stations and others as well.

On about November 15 the gas company shows up without notice at Heald's house with extremely loud and long lasting banging on the doors and windows, as well as abusive yelling, supposedly to get him to move his car (a car obtained two weeks earlier). After failing to get an answer the gas company person was heard to call for a tow truck and then he left. The car was then driven off the street but the man didn't come back until two days later; to repair a "very serious gas leak" according to a neighbor. This would go on for months, one time this person opened the storm door and attempted to open the inner door of Heald's house; without knocking when the car was not even there. Great care was taken during these times, as usual, as you might guess.

The year 2000 timeframe of this story...

On February 9 of 2000 a cellular call was placed to the home of Art Heald; also at 9:45p.m. on February 11,2000 another cellular call was placed, as above, and it rang for about five minutes; a careful check of the outside revealed an unknown man, several doors down, standing outside looking at the house, and this man did not know he had been observed. He then walked away. This was obviously the source of the call. Both cellular calls came from the same phone, the cellular number was 613-5076. What significance did this have? Al Gore was in the Detroit area on February 10 of 2000. It was now terribly clear: someone was trying to kill two birds with one stone. And the various connections should be clear, and truly shocking. The murder of Art Heald, by a person from out of town, could not be traced and would tie up some loose ends, get it?

On the afternoon of April 30, within 30 minutes of each other and at about 3 p.m. three calls were received at Heald's number, one "private"(caller blocked their number), one from Hezam Sayed whose number was 924-8393 and one from Ahmed Senan whose number was 872-0089. Bill Clinton was again in the Detroit area this same day; was this coincidence?

It is interesting to note that at about 6:45 p.m. on May 20 two calls were received at Heald's number and they registered to a payphone whose number was 734-421-1206 and yet when dialed a fax machine or modem tone is present.

Closing comments...

What is particularly heinous about this is that John Holliman, who worked for the safety of the astronauts, winds up dead and those who didn't care enough about the astronauts get away with a political propaganda ploy, and worse, through the space program. Now you have enough information to know better, and you know why you didn't hear about it before. Ex CIA agents have stated on documentaries on the A&E Network that they had killed so many people that the public would not believe it even if they were told. This should serve as a warning that we need to find out the whole truth, if for no other reason than to make informed decisions. Phony accidents and heart attacks and induced diseases, and who knows what else, all designed to cause death and deceive the entire world are obviously used. People who know things that government agencies don't want them to know are killed, according to ex CIA book authors. Can you imagine the thoughts of the killers when they commit crimes of murder, designed to terrorize by virtue of their method and timing and targets, and deceive virtually the entire population of the world as to how the deaths took place? Or to have people guess why and never have proof? And can you imagine their thoughts about the people who are deceived; almost everybody is so stupid that they refuse to consider that people in high places could even commit such crimes, or worse, don't care?

The following is an extract from President Eisenhower's farewell speech to the nation:

"This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. The total influence--economic, political, even spiritual--is felt in every city, every State house, every office of the Federal government. We recognize the imperative need for this development. Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. Our toil, resources and livelihood are all involved; so is the very structure of our society.

In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.

We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.

Akin to, and largely responsible for the sweeping changes in our industrial- military posture, has been the technological revolution during recent decades.

In this revolution, research has become central; it also becomes more formalized, complex, and costly. A steadily increasing share is conducted for, by, or at the direction of, the Federal government.

Today, the solitary inventor, tinkering in his shop, has been overshadowed by task forces of scientists in laboratories and testing fields. In the same fashion, the free university, historically the fountainhead of free ideas and scientific discovery, has experienced a revolution in the conduct of research. Partly because of the huge costs involved, a government contract becomes virtually a substitute for intellectual curiosity. For every old blackboard there are now hundreds of new electronic computers.

The prospect of domination of the nation's scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present--and is gravely to be regarded.

Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.

It is the task of statesmanship to mold, to balance, and to integrate these and other forces, new and old, within the principles of our democratic system--ever aiming toward the supreme goals of our free society."

Everyone should see the documentaries available at the following website:, especially "Coverup". The existence of a "shadow government", not controlled by the elected government, and operating outside the law, is shown beyond a doubt, with a small view of its activities. This discovery, in large part, was the result of the work of conscientious congressmen.

The failure to grasp the depths of depravity and crime possible, inside and outside of government, is one major reason why we continue to be victims of it. As President Eisenhower said, we should take nothing for granted.

This story had to be told and was told by one who had asked John Holliman to investigate astronaut safety issues, which he did investigate, and through a web of deceit and conceit and politics, you can see why John Holliman was killed and only a few others knew of it. Some of these others were supposed to be killed by assassins also and, indeed, are currently being stalked. Since the killing may not be over, this account is written so as to be sufficiently self corroborating to be self evident, in case the author should be dead or missing or whatever else. Whether or not legal ramifications occur is less important than the truth getting out to everyone. Please get the truth out. John Holliman is dead, Art Bell is gone from radio after attempts to destroy him; and the above chilling true story shows what kind of people are in certain elements of government. A little checking reveals the whole mess and why these elements cannot be allowed to attain domination of the American people by subverting the U.S.Constitution by way of deceit along with, and made possible by, the acquiescence of the people; who are kept in the dark in many areas. Propaganda is so widely put out that one has to wonder how much is not propaganda.

So you now have enough circumstantial evidence to see what happened, beyond a reasonable doubt, and you have enough evidence whereby an inability to communicate with the author of this story will not make a difference. Keeping your eye on the story is all you need to do. Even on its face alone the story and circumstances involved are enough. Attacks of all sorts on the author can be expected, if he yet lives. If he does live it is not because people have not tried to get a hold on and no doubt kill him; much care was taken to evade probable death by design. You should reject all second hand accounts about this story, from anyone other than those disclosed herein, as suspect. The fact that you are even reading this account is fortunate. You were not supposed to know of the horrors you are now reading about.

Click here for photo of John Holliman, let's not forget him, not only for the ultimate sacrifice he made, but his death should drive home what we are facing today, the whole world is very subject to being totally deceived by subversives bent on tyranny whose control and manipulation of events and media outlets can only be guessed. When and if they achieve their goal of getting the firearms of Americans through deceitful methods it will be all over for our ability to guard against tyranny; we must not let our ability to guard against tyranny from any quarter be removed from our grasp. The threats to our established way of life will persist and better safeguards must be put in place, if it is not too late to do so. You must now realize that this type of crime is not an isolated case and anytime you hear of an accidental death or other suspicious death or event we must remember the words of President Eisenhower who told us we should take nothing for granted. If John Holliman can be destroyed the way he was then none of us is safe; we and our way of life are under an attack of the most grievous sort; and under attack by those who we trust but should not trust. Now that you have a solid case of how the world was deceived about the death of a decent man, John Holliman, at the hands of hideous ghouls, we must ask: How often have we and are we being deceived? And how can you tell?

If you feel something should be done then do what you can, even if that is nothing more than informing as many others as you can as fast as you can, so that we may be better prepared to be on guard.