Colonel & Mrs. John B. Kidd
P.O. Box 1102
Big Spring, Texas 79721

January 31, 2011

To all members of  the House Armed Services Committee

Re: Stop repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell for sexual deviants

I oppose allowing sexual deviants to serve in the military, period. Now that a morally bankrupt Congress has voted to sanction and promote individuals who prefer bowel movement sex, your committee is assigned the task of informing the usurper camped out in the White House whether or not allowing sexual deviants to flaunt their filthy choices will hurt battle readiness. However, you can stop this disaster before it goes any further. The military have enough problems without inviting it wholesale.

Just what is it people think "gay" men do? They have sex with each other's feces. That's what sodomy is: a man inserting his Johnson into another man's rectum where feces is stored until elimination via the anus. For sodomites, the anus is the gateway to their playground. It's called bowel movement sex. For our military to condone such filthy, dirty sexual activities is a shame on our nation.

Females putting their face between another woman's legs, slobbering in each other's vaginas and sucking their breasts is not natural or normal. It is sickening to even think of, but that is what lesbians do "behind closed doors." How about health issues for lesbians? Compared to heterosexual women, lesbians appear to have higher rates of smoking, obesity and alcohol use. We the taxpayers will end up paying for all their lavender diseases and treatment.. 

Let me point out a few facts:

1. Serving in the military is NOT a constitutional right.

We have an all voluntary military force. No one is forced to enlist. Sexual deviants knew DOD policy when they signed up. If they don't like the policy, don't enlist or get out. You don't destroy the entire military to satisfy a small group of sexual deviants with big mouths who buy the favors of members of Congress with campaign donations.

This is all about forcing our military into Soviet style indoctrination to accept that which is filthy and unhealthy. It is an outrage to force our military who oppose serving with queers to flush their value system to accept that which is not normal, natural or healthy.  I refuse to call them "gays." Using the word 'gay' to describe those who engage in sodomy is nothing more than clever marketing to distract people from what a homosexual does with another man. The word 'gay' is used to present an uplifting feeling instead of picturing what sodomites and lesbians do between the sheets and openly on the streets. "Alternative lifestyles" is more clever word smithing to take people's attention away from the act of sodomy and lesbian sex.

The same applies to the clever marketing term: sexual orientation. Sexual preference became sexual orientation in 1992 during the battle for a constitutional amendment in Colorado. That is a fact.

2. Military bases are family oriented. Do we want children to see queers kissing, holding hands or worse? A large number of military bases have child care centers. Those children will now see sin their little innocent lives should not be exposed to; yeah, it will happen "by accident." "We are family" [Army] will become nothing but a dead slogan if you allow sexual deviants to openly serve.

Oh, and by the way, won't it be lovely to see sexual deviants holding hands and kissing on the dance floor of the Officer's Club? Why not? Those demands will come, make no mistake about it or we'll hear more screeching about human rights.

3. The military is the ideal place for sodomites and lesbians to recruit. All that young meat to gaze upon in the showers and living quarters. Think queer enlisted or officers won't use their rank to get what they want? Just you wait.

With a dead economy and no jobs, it's likely a lot of Christian men and women will remain in service because they need a job or are a year or two away from full retirement with benefits. The evil doers know this and don't care. There is an agenda here and it is to destroy the moral fabric of this country. Destroy the traditional family: a heterosexual mother and father. Force acceptance of sin and filth by Christians in our military or face the consequences.

4. Pay attention to statistics:

"Surveys conducted by the U.S. Department of Justice confirm that homosexual and lesbian relationships had a far greater incidence of domestic partner violence than opposite-sex relationships including cohabitation or marriage.

"The National Violence against Women Survey, sponsored by the National Institute of Justice, found that "same-sex cohabitants reported significantly more intimate partner violence than did opposite-sex cohabitants. Thirty-nine percent of the same-sex cohabitants reported being raped, physically assaulted, and/or stalked by a marital/cohabitating partner at some time in their lifetimes, compared to 21.7 percent of the opposite-sex cohabitants. Among men, the comparable figures are 23.1 percent and 7.4 percent."

Male Homosexuals

"Research indicates that the average male homosexual has hundreds of sex partners in his lifetime:

"The Dutch study of partnered homosexuals, which was published in the journal AIDS, found that men with a steady partner had an average of eight sexual partners per year.

"Bell and Weinberg, in their classic study of male and female homosexuality, found that 43 percent of white male homosexuals had sex with 500 or more partners, with 28 percent having one thousand or more sex partners.

"In their study of the sexual profiles of 2,583 older homosexuals published in the Journal of Sex Research, Paul Van de Ven et al. found that "the modal range for number of sexual partners ever [of homosexuals] was 101-500." In addition, 10.2 percent to 15.7 percent had between 501 and 1,000 partners. A further 10.2 percent to 15.7 percent reported having had more than one thousand lifetime sexual partners.

"A survey conducted by the homosexual magazine Genre found that 24 percent of the respondents said they had had more than one hundred sexual partners in their lifetime. The magazine noted that several respondents suggested including a category of those who had more than one thousand sexual partners.

Source: Gay and Lesbian v Other Opposite-Sex Intimate Partner Relationships -

<>5. For large numbers of Christian men and women serving in the military, not only do they find it abhorrent to serve with sexual deviants, I've received a lot of email from active duty who are terrified of being injured because of blood tainted with AIDS. They should be very worried if they are deployed in Iraq or Afghanistan fighting in those illegal, grotesque invasions. We know AIDS has an incubation period of up to ten years. Getting a blood transfusion can now mean a death sentence.

Bowel movement sex between men is neither natural nor healthy. I highly resent being forced to fund the costs of indoctrinating our military and for such filth with our tax dollars. Sodomites will continue to enlist and down the line, their medical bills from engaging in sodomy will skyrocket. Those who contract AIDS/HIV will get those enormously expensive cocktail drugs paid for by Christians because those soldiers chose to have dangerous sex.

7.  Here come all flavors of queers. The AP carried a story January 11, 2011: Transgender People Also Demand Right to Serve in Military. What's next? Threesome's? Don't want to violate their alleged human or non existent constitutional rights, now would we?

Putting their fists up each other's rectums and playing in each other's feces is not natural nor healthy, but it is practiced by butt jumpers.  Attached is a list of diseases common to men who have sex in each other's rectum.

I ask you: How can a solider be battle ready if he has to run change his diaper?

I rest my case.

Devvy Kidd


Rep. Howard P. “Buck” McKeon, Chairman; Rep. Roscoe G. Bartlett; Rep. Mac Thornberry, Vice Chairman; Rep. Walter B. Jones; Rep.W. Todd Akin; Rep. J. Randy Forbes; Rep. Jeff Miller; Rep. Joe Wilson; Rep. Frank A. LoBiondo; Rep. Michael Turner; Rep. John Kline; Rep. Mike Rogers; Rep. Trent Franks;  Rep. Bill Shuster; Rep. K. Michael Conaway; Rep. Doug Lamborn; Rep. Rob Wittman; Rep. Duncan Hunter; Rep. John C. Fleming; Rep. Mike Coffman; Rep. Thomas J. Rooney; Rep. Todd Russell Platts; Rep. Scott Rigell;
Rep. Chris Gibson; Rep. Vicky Hartzler; Rep. Joe Heck; Rep. Bobby Schilling; Rep. Jon Runyan; Rep. Austin Scott; Rep. Tim Griffin; Rep. Steve Palazzo; Rep. Allen West; Rep. Martha Roby; Rep. Mo Brooks; Rep. Todd Young;

Rep. Adam Smith; Rep. Silvestre Reyes; Supporter of porn and illegal alien, Rep. Loretta Sanchez; Rep. Mike McIntyre; Rep. Robert A. Brady; Rep.Rob Andrews; Rep. Susan A. Davis; Rep. James R. Langevin; Rep. Rick Larsen; Rep. Jim Cooper; Rep. Madeleine Z. Bordallo, Guam (Skipped); Rep. Joe Courtney; Rep. David Loebsack ; Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (Skipped); Rep. Niki Tsongas; Rep. Chellie Pingree; Rep. Larry Kissell; Rep. Martin Heinrich; Rep. William L. Owens; Rep. John Garamendi; Rep. Mark Critz; Rep. Tim Ryan ; Rep. C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger ; Rep.  Hank Johnson; Rep. Kathy Castor ; Rep. Betty Sutton ; Rep. Colleen Hanabusa

General James F. Amos, Commandant of the Marine Corps

Admiral Mike Mullin, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff

Bill Gates, Secretary of Defense

John McHugh, Secretary of the Army

Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) Adm. Gary Roughead

United States Secretary of the Air Force (and Air National Guard), Michael B. Donley