Recommended Reading List
by Devvy Kidd
Americans ask me all the time: How did you learn
so much about all this? My response: Kill the television, put your personal
life and good times on hold as I have done for the past six years and get
busy reading and viewing videos that present the factual truth.
I realize not everyone has the luxury I do in
that my husband provides us with a very good income so I don’t have to
work. I also realize that America is trying to raise her children in between
working to pay the IRS so the IRS can hand over every single penny to the
private bankers - NOT the US Treasury. My daughter is all grown up which
isn’t to say she doesn’t continue to be very important in my life, she
is, but she is also gone from our home and attends college out of state.
Yes, I love to fish and read for pleasure. For
the past six years, those activities have taken a back seat to my country.
must make a personal commitment to get educated on the bigger picture and
then make the sacrifices necessary in getting out there and becoming active
in stopping this proposed take-over of America.
It’s as serious as any major heart attack and
America needs to take our freedom with just the same degree of serious
The following is a list of reference sources I
have selected. This by no means represents all available material. In fact,
this is a short list but once you start researching you'll end up expanding
in the natural course of learning. I have about 450 books on these various
issues, about 75 videos and more than 100 3" binders filled with treaties
and documents. It has taken six years, seven days a week learning all of
this. I realize this isn't possible for everyone just because of work and
family obligations. However, at least a good, basic understanding of these
issues will get you on the road to becoming part of the solution instead
of part of the problem.
Again, I thank you for caring about our country
and what We the Peopl do between now and the year 2000 will reflect what
we as a nation have stood for in the past and all we will stand for in
the future.
Knowledge is power and that can only be gained
through doing your homework on all the pieces of the puzzle that make of
the bigger picture of this "New World Order" about to come down on the
heads of millions of unsuspecting Americans. It's up to US to get educated
and in turn, share that knowledge and the solutions with ten people and
tell those ten people to tell ten more people. It's through this type of
number duplication that Devvy's project has become so well known in all
50 states of the Union and fourteen foreign nations.
No compensation is received for recommending any
of these fine, well documented works. For those who don't know about ISBN
numbers: You can give this number to any bookstore and they will order
that particular book for you. Some of these books may be found in a used
book store or local library. Some you will have to write to the publisher.
Most of these works will not be found in the big
bookstores. You have to understand who owns these bookstores and once you
do, you'll then understand why they won't carry these truthful, well documented
works. One source that carries a substantial title selection and one that
I recommend is: Emissary Publications, Mr. Des Griffin, 9205 S. E. Clackamas
Rd, Clackamas, Oregon 97015, 503-824-2050, e-mail: [email protected]
I know that the cost of acquiring these materials
can run into serious money but we all have to make the sacrifice because
the truth isn't going to come from the government's media apparatus, the
Congress or your state legislatures. Pool your funds together with friends
and/or family members and share the materials.
OF INDEPENDENCE. Any library or bookstore. Also a must read: The Federalist
Papers of Hamilton, Madison & Jay. ISBN 0-451-62541-2
(Back to topic list)
Debt Virus by Dr. Jacques Jaikaran
ISBN 0-944435-13-0. A must read.
The Creature From Jekyll Island ISBN 0-912986-15-8
A must read.
Wealth, Virtual Wealth and Debt: The Solution
of the Economic Paradox by Federick Soddy, M.A. F.R.S. Omni Publications,
P.O. Box 216, Hawthorne, California 90250
The Secrets of the Federal Reserve by Eustace
Mullin who was commissioned to do this book by the well known 20th
Century Scholar, Ezra Pound. 503-824-2050; also a video titled: The Magical
Money Machine or the Secrets of the Federal Reserve.
Money - The Greatest Hoax on Earth by Merrill
M. E. Jenkins, Sr. Order: Monetary Realist, 11591 Joslyn Court, St.
Louis, MO 63138 or try 503-824-2050
Throw Off The Yoke by Charles S. Norburn,
Omni Publications, see #4 for ordering.
Miracle on Main Street by Tupper Saussey. 503-824-2050
The Coming Battle by M.W. Walbert,
a must read. Order: 541-955-0117
The Greatest Story Never told: Winston Churchill
and the Crash of 1929. Well documented. Based on history that will
forever change your thoughts on the money grabbers drunk with power. Order:
ISBN 0-9640046-0-7
Figuring Out The Fed by Margaret Thoren
ISBN 0-9606938-6-6
Keynes at Harvard: Economic Deception as a Political
Credo. A rare and remarkable booklet if you can find it. Try: American
Opinion Library, 412 W. Base Line, San Bernadino, CA or the publisher:
Veritas Foundation, New York
(Back to topic list)
"IRS Commissioner Margaret Milner Richardson warned
yesterday that continued bashing of HER agency may undermine Americans'
willingness to pay taxes voluntarily. 'Ultimately I worry it may have some
impact on our self-assessment system.'" Washington Times, January 8, 1996.
Please remember if you don't VOLUNTEER, the IRS will come in and outright
steal your bank accounts and your home while the U.S. Congress stands by
and allows this sickening travesty of injustice to continue.
The Law That Never Was by Bill Benson &
Red Beckman [ 2 Vols.] 503-82402050
Title 26 IRS Code, 2 vols of deceptive gibberish.
Any government printing office and try courthouses - they frequently have
these outlets in their basements. Most law libraries at a courthouse carry
them and are available to the public.
"Each year American taxpayers VOLUNTARILY file
their tax returns and make a special effort to pay the taxes they owe."
1971 Internal Revenue 1040 booklet, statement of Johnnie M. Walters, Commissioner
"Our tax system is based upon VOLUNTARY assessment and payment, not upon
distraint." Flora v U.S. 362 U.S. 145 "Our tax system is based on individual
self assessment and VOLUNTARY compliance." 1975 IR audit Manual, Mortimer
Caplin, Commissioner
See: https://devvy.com/ssindex.html
(Back to topic list)
(Back to topic list)
Soviets in the Classroom: America's Latest Education
Fad by Charlotte T. Iserbyt, pamphlet published as a public
service by: America's Future, Inc., 514 Main St., New Rochelle, NY 10801.
One copy available free by sending a self-addressed stamped business size
Research Manual: America 2000/Goals 2000 - Moving
the Nation Educationally to a "New World Order" An incredible work.
Order from Citizens for Academic Excellence, P.O. Box 11164, Moline, Illinois
(Back to topic list)
Set Up & Sold Out by Holly Swanson,
a must read. 800-684-1992
Expert speaker Dr. Michael Coffman on Eco-Fraud and
author of the book,
Saviors of the Earth? For details call 920-749-3780
Environmental Overkill by the late Dixy
Lee Ray, former Gov of the state of Washington, Chmn of the Atomic
Energy Commission and Asst. Secty of state in the U.S. Bureau of oceans,
etc. Another right-winger to be sure! She blows the whistle on this environmental
fraud being slammed down the throat of America. ISBN 0-89526-512-5
(Back to topic list)
The Fearful Master by G. Edward Griffin,
one of the most important books Americans will ever read. Our sovereignty
is everything. 503-824-2050
The UN Treaty and all subsequent treaties
under the United Nothing are available from the UN in NY. You can also
try your member of Congress although they usually only respond to money.
- Two critical pieces of the New World Order puzzle
The Pooring of America: competition and the Myth
of Free Trade by Dr. Ravi Batra, ISBN 0-02-016555-2
The Nightmare of Camelot by Gus R. Seltzer.
An expose of the Free Trade Trojan Horse. An outstanding work. 800-939-9827
An analysis of The World Trade Organization and Final
Act embodying the Results of the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations
(GATT). 800-888-9999 The full text of GATT is 28,000+ pages and can be
purchased from the government. Only one senator in the entire Congress
read the entire treaty.
NAFTA: North American Fraud & Theft Agreement,
aka North American Free Trade Agreement. A handful of the 535 members of
Congress read a 20-age synopsis of this 4,800 page treaty.
(Back to topic list)
Devvy's Blind Loyalty booklet
VoteScam: The Stealing of America by JamesandKen
Collier, 503-824-2050
(Back to topic list)
Gun Control Means People Control by Phoebe
Courtney, The Independent American, P.O. Box 636, Littleton, CO 80120
From My Cold Dead Fingers by former Sheriff
of Graham County, AZ, Richard Mack, order: 800-748-4922
The Tyranny of Gun Control by Richard M.
Ebeling & Jacob G. Hornberger, Future of Freedom Foundation, Fairfax,
VA, Bernadine Smith, Second Amendment Committee, P.O. Box 1776, Hanford,
California 93232
(Back to topic list)
En Route to Global Occupation by Gary H.
Kah: A High Ranking Government Liaison Exposes the Secret Agenda for
World Unification ISBN 0-910311-97-8
The Planned Destruction of America by James
W. Wardner, order: 800-897-2669
When the World Will Be As One: The Coming New
World Order by
Tal Brooke. Order 503-824-2050
(Back to topic list)
The Clinton Chronicles ISBN 1-878993-63-1
A must read.
The CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) and President
Clinton by
Phoebe Courtney - outstanding from the Independent
American, P.O. Box 260738, Littleton, CO 80126
Bill Clinton: Friend or Foe? by Ann Wilson
ISBN 0-9640180-3-9
"Ann Wilson's book is an answer to a prayer.
It takes the complicated equations of the international conspiracy to control
the world and makes them simple enough for the average person to understand.
I have never doubted that, if the truth ever reached the masses, the masses
would save themselves. Ann Wilson's book has made this possible and every
freedom-loving American owes her a debt of gratitude." Jim Johnson, Arkansas
Supreme Court Judge, Retired.
SECRET: FBI Documents Link Bill & Hillary
Clinton to Marxist-Terrorist Network. Sunset Research Group,
608 N. West St., #236, Wichita, Kansas 67203
(Back to topic list)
(The Clinton duo & Al Gore are ardent worshipers
of the New Age wacko, occult, sick "religion.")
New Gods for New Age by Richmond Odom
503-824-2050 ISBN 1-56384-062-6
New Age Messiah Identified by TroyLawrence
503-824-2050 ISBN 0-910311-17-X
Who Will Rule The Future by Paul McGuire
503-824-2050 ISBN 0-910311-94-3
Inside the New Age Nightmare by a former top
leader of this wacko cult passed off as a religion. Author: Randall N.
Baer, order 503-824-2050
(Back to topic list)
War, Central Planning and Corporations by
Eugene Schroder 719-787-9958 or ISBN 188553408-6
Constitution: Fact or Fiction by Dr. Eugene
Schroder - same as above
(Back to topic list)
If you are a Mason or any order, please research
this topic.
The Dark Side of Freemasonry by Ed Decker,
Emissary Publications 503-824-2050
The Deadly Deception by Jim Shaw, order from
Lucifer, Eliphas, Albert Pike and the Masonic
Lodge by David Carrico, order from Emissary
The Masonic/Egyptian/Satanic Connection by
Carrico, order from Emissary
Freemasonry - Anichrist Upon Us, order from
Freemasonry Exposed by Capt. William Morgan,
order from Emissary
The New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret
Societies by William Still, order from Emissary
Questions People Ask About Freemasonry by
McKenney, order from Emissary
Stuart Crane - Conrad Jarrel Tapes:
2 Cassettes. During a 15 hour meeting Dr. Crane explained to Conrad Jerrel
the connection between the John Birch Societ and the Masons. A full, first
hand account of this meeting is contained on two 90-minute cassettes. Order
from Emissary
MISCELLANEOUS (Videos follow
the list of books.)
(Back to topic list)
The Idaho Observer, 208-777-7888
Below are well documented books on a variety of
issues that overlap some of the previous categories.
The Immigration Invasion by Wayne Lutton
& John Tanton ISBN 1-881780-01-5
The Case for Hanging Errant Public Officials
by James Farrell, Author of The Judas Syndrome. An excellent work.
ISBN 0918756-04
OKC: Day One - factual, well documented.
The Voices of America's Destruction by Jeri Ball,
916-222-2484. Outstanding
The Downing of Flight TWA 800 by James
Sanders - ISBN 0-8217-5829-2
Bomb Damage Analysis of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal
Building, OKC, July 30, 1995 by Benton K. Partin, Brigadier
General, United States Air Force, retired. 8908 Captains Row, Alexandria,
Virginia 22308
How the FBI's Criminal Espionage Investigation
of the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) Was Foiled. Sunset Research,
608 N. West St., #236, Wichita, Kansas 67203
Report From Iron Mountain. Gov't Report on
the undesirability of peace. Order: 503-824-2050
Big Sister is Watching You by Texe Marrs.
Who are these females, many of them lesbians, Hillary Clinton stacked the
White House and cabinet posts with? You will be shocked. Order: 800-234-9673
America's God and Country. An outstanding
work of quotations by William J. Federer. ISBN 1-880563-09-6
The Franklin Cover-Up by former Nebraska State
Senator, John W. DeCamp. ISBN 0-9632158-0-9
New Age Bible Versions by G. A. Riplinger.
A very important book. ISBN 0-9635845-0-2
Defrauding America: A Pattern of Related Scandals/Dirty
Secrets of the CIA and other Government Operations. Totally documented.
ISBN 0-932438-07-5
The man Who Knew Too Much by Dick Russell.
An 800 pg tome by a former staff member of Sports Illustrated and TV guide
- a right-winger for sure! This book is remarkable and is about Richard
Case Nagel - the man who knows more about the JFK assassination than anyone
outside the CIA. ISBN 0-88184-900-6
Decent Into Slavery by Des Griffin.
Order 503-824-2050
Fourth Reich of the Rich by Des Griffin.
Order 503-824-2050
Political Correctness: The Cloning of the American
Mind by
David Thibodaux, Ph.D. Excellent ISBN 1-56384-026-X
Federal Register, Volume 34, Number 209, October
30, 1969, Part II, Executive Order 11490: Assigning Emergency Preparedness
Functions to Federal Departments and Agencies - Covers specifically Executive
Orders for the past ten presidents or I should say Monarchs since they
are ruling outside the boundaries of the Constitution. Publisher: Western
Islands, Belmont, Massachusetts 02178
The Naked Capitalist by former 16-year veteran
of the FBI. A must read. 503-824-2050.
"Norman Thomas was the Socialist
candidate for President in 1928 and for every single election during the
next 20 years....By 1953 Norman Thomas was jubilant. He wrote a pamphlet
called, Democratic Socialism in which he stated that: '....here in America
more measures once praised or denounced as socialist have been adopted
than once I should have thought possible short of a socialist victory at
the polls.'
"Under President Eisenhower,
Thomas still found reasons to be jubilant. In the Congressional Record
for April 17, 1958 (p. A-3080) Norman Thomas is quoted as saying: 'The
U.S. is making greater strides toward socialism under Eisenhower than even
under Roosevelt, particularly in the fields of Federal spending and welfare
"By 1962, Thomas summed up
the whole situation as follows: 'The difference between Democrats and Republicans
is: Democrats have accepted some ideas of Socialism cheerfully, while Republicans
have accepted them reluctantly.' (Cleveland Plain Dealer, October 19, 1962)
"But whether the various administrations
in Washington have been pushing socialism "cheerfully" or "reluctantly,"
the facts clearly support the contention of Dr. Quigley (Bill Clinton's
mentor) in Tragedy & Hope, that the people of the United States are
being rapidly collectivized, their Constitution emasculated, and the groundwork
laid to transform the U.S. into the major industrial power base for a global
society of totalitarian socialism." *End*
No? Bernard Sanders, Independent in the U.S. Congress
ran on the socialist ticket and was defeated. Ran as an "independent" and
won. His voting record and personal philosophy is the Communist Manifesto.
Kevin Hornbuckle was elected to the city council in Eugene, Oregon as a
registered Democrat and then came out of the closet to proudly announce
he is a member of the Communist Party. How many more Communists are in
the closet undermining and subverting our Constitution and sovereignty?
The Immaculate Deception: The Bush Crime Family
Exposed by
Retired Brigadier General Russell S. Bowen ISBN 0-922356-80-7
DISAVOW: A CIA Saga of Betrayal by Rodney
Stich & T. Conrad Russell ISBN 0-9648005-0-0
OKBOMB! Conspiracy & cover-Up by Jim
Keith ISBN 1-881532-08-9
A must read: Vaccines: Are They Really Safe &
Effective. This 70 page manual should be read by everyone with children.
ISBN 1-881217-10-8
Dark Majesty: The Secret Brotherhood and the Magic
of A Thousand Points of Light (George Bush is a big promoter of this
evil) Order: 1800-234-9673
The Strange Death of Vince Foster by Christopher
Ruddy, fellow at the Hoover Institute, Stanford University and the
target of the attack dogs aka the Liars for Hire or the "establishment"
media. His report, including photos of Commerce Secty Ron Brown's head
with an apparent bullet hole can be found at http://www.tribune-review.com/nrud03.html
The Big White Lie: The CIA and the Cocaine Crack
Epidemic by
Michael Levine, former 25-year veteran of the Drug
Enforcement Agency - A must read ISBN 1-56025-064-X
Reds in America by R. M. Whitney, Publisher:
Western Islands, Belmont, MA 02178
A must read: Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola
- Nature, Accident or Intentional? by Harvard graduate, Dr. Leonard
Horowitz, D.M.D., M.A., M.P.H., 888-508-4787
Compromised: Clinton, Bush & The Cia by
Reed & John Cummings. Those whose blind loyalty is to the Republicrats
will not like the truth in this book filled with documents. ISBN 1-56171-249-3
Unlimited Access by Gary Aldrich. A
30-year veteran of the FBI who worked in the White House. Praised to the
hilt - until he retired and blew the whistle - gee, what a unique concept.....ISBN
(Back to topic list)
Cancer: It Doesn't Scare Me Anymore! by one
of the most remarkable women I have ever had the honor of knowing: Dr.
Lorraine Day, internationally acclaimed orthopedic trauma surgeon and
best selling author. 15 years on the faculty of the University of SF, School
of Medicine, Assoc. Prof and Vice Chmn of the Department of orthopedics;
Chief of Orthopedic Surgery at SF General Hospital and recognized world-wide
as an AIDS expert. 800-574-2437
The Mena Cover-Up: Drugs, Deception and the Making
Of A President (Clinton). Order 503-824-2050
WACO: The Rules of Engagement. Nominated in
the 1998 Oscar run for Best Documentary of the Year. Here's the real truth
America didn't see. 800-325-7257
Cover-Up in Oklahoma - see order blank on
this web site; use search engine.
The 60 Minutes Deception. You will see on
this absolutely riveting video the actual footage of Mike Wallace shamelessly
admitting to using drugs with his own daughter and her friends, his racist
slurs about black Americans and a lot more. If all of America could see
this amazing expose, they might finally realize that they are nothing more
than dupes to the "establishment" media. Order 812-477-7887
America's Vanishing Jobs: This is the tape
Washington DC does not want Americans to see. Order 1-888-USBEWARE, Ext.
Capital Crimes - the BEST video on the "Federal"
Reserve by Bill Still, order from Emissary Publications, 503-824-2050
Americans owe a debt of gratitude to all these
individuals, groups and organizations who have been smeared and pilloried
by the government's media apparatus, including politicians nationwide.
Remember: Slay the messenger, kill the message. In the end, however, truth
will win out but it will take everyone to stop what's just over the horizon.
Conspiracy my foot! It's all out in the open for everyone to see, sadly,
most Americans only see the TV set, hang out at the malls or bars or waste
their lives doing drugs or trying to find as many naked pictures on the
Internet as they can every night after work. I'm counting on YOU to join
the swelling ranks of Americans who love their country.
"Communism is dead!" The great chant of the government's
media apparatus. You know what? The greatest achievement of those behind
the scenes promoting Communism in America have achieved a great goal: They've
convinced a large portion of the American people that Communism is dead
when just the opposite is true.....