Smallpox Alert Devvy Kidd
January 17, 2003I have just ordered 200 copies of a special edition newspaper put out by the excellent Idaho Observer. This 8-page special should get in the hands of your friends, family, neighbors, people at work, anyone you know in the reserves or active military.
Help stop the ignorance in America about smallpox. Help stop the mass effort to scare the American people into making bad decisions about diseases like smallpox.
The government media's apparatus will not let up with their never-ending propaganda and lies. It's up to each and every one of us to spread the word. Yes, it's more money and I'd rather be fishing, but priority versus importance.
Please get copies of this newspaper and get them out. Cost is $15.00 per hundred plus $8.00 shipping. Send to: The Idaho Observer 457, Spirit Lake, Idaho 83869.
When you run out, buy some more. If this is a little much for your budget right now, call a friend or two and split the bill. If you own your own company, buy a hundred and get them out to your employees. A sick and ailing nation cannot fight a tyrannical government.
In this special edition:
Smallpox Epidemic: Predicted or Planned?
Now that the rest of the world is angry at U.S., Bush moves to sicken America
The GRIP: CDC pandemic preparedness
Who was "Dr." Edward Jenner?
His 18th Century work with cow pus and horse grease is the foundation of modern vaccinology
Note: James Phipps, the eight-year-old boy initially vaccinated by Jenner in 1976, was re-vaccinated 20 times, and died at the age of 20. Jenner's own son, who was also vaccinated more than once, died at 21. Both succumbed to tuberculosis- a condition that some researchers have linked to the smallpox vaccine.
Who was Dr. Charles Campbell?
After solving the malaria riddle, this turn-of-the-century Texas physician solved another public health riddle: Smallpox
Why were smallpox shots discontinued?
Dr. Rodermund's smallpox experiment
History confirms smallpox/bedbug connection
Science, common sense makes smallpox myths disappear
smallpox Vaccinations versus Nature's Most Powerful Preventative
Vaccine-free health care
Questions to ponder before vaccination
Clinical trials, flow charts prove smallpox shots will be mandatory, deadly
Vaccination: It isn't just about smallpox
Idaho Observer's web site: