Property Rights Being Attacked In Energy Bill March 19, 2003
American Land Rights Association - Land Rights Network
PO Box 400 - Battle Ground WA 98604
Phone: 360-687-3087 - Fax: 360-687-2973
Email: [email protected] - http://www.landrights.org
Legislative Office: 507 Seward Square SE - Washington DC 20003
Phone: 202-210-2357 - Fax: 202-543-7126 - Email: [email protected]WARNING! "Energy Bill" a DISASTER!
Property Rights Attacked in Energy Bill!!!
The "Energy Bill" - requested by President Bush and needed for American energy independence - has been twisted and turned into an ATTACK against private property rights!!! SEE BELOW - THREE major parts of the bill propose to launch a massive new attack on land owners.
ALSO, leftwing environmental groups and government agencies stand to gain BILLIONS of dollars in new funding to condemn private property and finance their operations with taxpayer grant money.
With a war coming, a recession already here and the price of gas zooming upward, America sorely needs an Energy Bill. America needs legislation that will open up more areas for oil and gas development, encourage nuclear power and all forms of energy for our country.
- - - - - HOWEVER - - - - -
Due to the GREED and behind the scenes deal making of a few Congressmen and Senators, the Energy Bill that President Bush requested and America needs is being HIJACKED. HERE is what is happening:
FIRST. "CARA" - the Condemnation and Relocation Act - massive, unprecedented funding for land acquisition and grant money for environmental and animal rights groups - is scheduled to be added to the Energy Bill.
Congressman Willy Tauzin of Louisiana is ONCE AGAIN attempting to push his CARA Land Grab. He is cutting a deal with the environmentalists at the expense of taxpayers and property rights. The deal is that the enviros are paid off with millions in cash in exchange for their not objecting to Louisiana politicians lining their pockets with more millions.
So if you are a leftwing environmentalist or a Louisiana courthouse pol, it's a great deal for you. Several hundred million dollars of the taxpayers money, guaranteed annually. The rest of us can take a hike. All this shoehorned into legislation that is supposed to promote energy production!!!!!!!!!
TAUZIN is chairman of the House Commerce Committee, which is the lead committee in the House of Representatives for the Energy Bill. So he has a lot to say about things. However, his CARA Land Grab bill has been defeated in the last three sessions of Congress. It can be beaten again if YOU speak out -- SEE BELOW how you can act.
SECOND. Congressman Joe Barton of Texas has added a provision to the Energy Bill that will allow electric utility companies to order the condemnation of private property whenever they want to put up a power line. This is strongly opposed by the Western Governors Association and many other groups that believe state and local governments and private land owners should not be trampled by powerful corporations.
WHY? Congressman Barton has long supported property rights, so what is he doing attacking them now?
THE ANSWER: Barton has decided to protect his own home boys in Texas, and residents of the other 49 states can take a hike!!!!! Buried on page 217 of the 400 page Energy Bill is the following EXEMPTION for Texas: "Nothing in this section shall be construed to authorize any interconnection with any facility referred to in section 212(k)(2)(B)." This means Barton is saying "Don't Mess With Texas" and then shafting everybody else. SEE BELOW how you can act.
THIRD. Liberal Senator Lamar Alexander of Tennessee has plugged in to the Energy Bill a free handout of up to $250 million per year for land acquisition and grant money for leftwing environmental groups. This is IN ADDITION TO the cascade of cash promised by the "CARA" money mentioned above!
But here's the twist. The money is only made available - IF - oil and gas drilling in ANWR is approved!
ANWR is the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge, and holds billions of barrels of oil. Drilling there can be done safely and without damaging the environment. For example, the National Audubon Society has drilled for oil in refuges it owns for over fifty years in Texas and Michigan.
The American Land Rights Association has long supported drilling in ANWR as a common sense multiple use of our nation's public lands. HOWEVER, it cannot support ANWR if it comes at a cost of handing over a quarter billion dollars per year to finance seizure of private land. Senator Alexander, you really blew it!!!
***** ACTION ITEMS !!! *****
The "Energy Bill" has not been filed yet and so does not have a bill number, so when contacting your legislators just refer to it as the "Energy Bill." The information below is based on drafts being circulated in Washington, DC.
*** IMPORTANT! *** The "Energy Bill" will be introduced within the next few days, and will begin moving IMMEDIATELY.
PLEASE contact your congressman and Senators TODAY and TOMORROW and tell them:
"Take the Land Grabs OUT of the Energy Bill!!!"
Land Grab #1 - "CARA" - the Condemnation and Relocation Act
Land Grab #2 - Allowing utility companies to order condemnation
Land Grab #3 - NO to opening up ANWR if enviros get paid offPLEASE, NOW, MAKE YOUR CALLS AND SEND FAXES.
1. Call both your Senators and your Congressman immediately. You may call any Senator or Representative at the Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121. YOU CAN USE TWO TEMPORARY TOLL FREE NUMBERS. THEY ARE: (800) 648-3516 or (877) 762-8762.
When the switchboard answers, ask for your Senator or Representativeís office. Then ask for the staff person who covers CARA, the Energy Bill, or ANWR
2. Send a fax insisting that there be no condemnation by private or public power companies in the Energy Bill in ANY STATE, not just TEXAS. If you do not have their fax number, call the toll free number above to get it from your Senator or Representative.
3. Send a fax objecting to including any CARA type land acquisition funding in the Energy Bill.
4. Send a letter to them at the following addresses: (Keep in mind that for urgent issues such as these, letters will not get there for more than a week Fax is your quickest option. E-mail is good but it won't be read quickly either because of the volume. )
Honorable _________ US Senate, Washington, DC 20510.
Honorable _________ US House of Representatives, Washington, DC 105155. Tell your local newspaper about this secret attack on private property.
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Billy Tauzin's web site is in Cajun French with an English site offered secondary.