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Nevada's Silver Bill (AB 532): An Analysis
Devvy Kidd
April 15, 2003Recently my mailbox was flooded with headlines that read the State of Nevada had introduced a new piece of legislation (AB 532) that was going to get rid of the Federal Reserve. I immediately recognized this as a resurrection of a previous bill in their legislature back in 1993: AB 188.
When AB 188 came out, everyone was very enthusiastic about it, with most people in the movement believing it would somehow abolish the Fed. The bill never made it to the Governor's desk in Nevada.
In early 2001, I finally had an extra day so I drove up to Carson City, Nevada where their state archives are located. My research turned up about 140 pages of legislative material on AB 188. After reading through all the documents, I realized why that bill didn't go anywhere. It's really not what people got so excited about.
I then decided to ask Dr. Edwin Vieira, Jr., probably the expert in this country - bar none - on the money issue. No one knows the central bank and money like Dr. Vieira.
Edwin came back with an eleven page analysis of AB 188.
Fast forward to 2003 and Nevada's latest effort: AB 532.
Same players as back in 93 for the AB 188. Bless their hearts for keeping the torch burning.
AB 532 is the same as AB 188 from 1993:
I have had the entire file of documents I retrieved from the Nevada State Archives scanned. The first document you will see in this html file is Dr. Vieira's eleven page analysis of AB 188.
I highly encourage everyone to read what Edwin has to say as to the constitutionality of individual states and the issuance of silver as money. Get the facts from a master of the subject matter and what Edwin recommends can be done to further the effort to get rid of the banker barons.
Click Here to go to the PDF file
Dr. Edwin Vieira is the author of a masterpiece titled: CrashMaker:
Edwin's latest work, Pieces of Eight (Revised), should win a Pulitzer for Economics:
Dr. Vieira's credentials:
Dr. Edwin J. Vieira, Jr., Attorney at Law, received his A.B. (cum laude) in Chemistry , A.M. and Ph.D. in organic chemistry from Harvard University, and a J.D. (cum laude) from Harvard Law School. He is in private practice specializing in constitutional law, labor law and legal-economic analysis. He is currently Executive Director of the George Edward Durell Foundation and President of the National Alliance for Constitutional Money. Dr. Vieira has also been a consultant and attorney for the National Right to Work Committee and National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation; a member of the Board of Fellows, Public Service Research Foundation; a consultant to the U.S. Department of Labor; and a member of the Advisory Board , Citizens for a Sound Economy.
Dr. Vieira has been an Assistant Professor of Law at Wake Forest University School of Law and Research Director of the Wake Forest Institute of Labor Policy Analysis. He is a member of the Bars of Maryland, the District of Columbia, the State of Virginia, the United States Supreme Court, the United States Courts of Appeals for the Third, Fourth, Sixth, Seventh, Eight, Eleventh, the District of Columbia and Federal Circuits; and the United States District Court for the Districts of Maryland and the District of Columbia. He has had articles published in the Wake Forest Law Review, Detroit College of Law Review, DePaul Law Review, South Carolina Law Review, Georgia Law Review, the Cato Journal, Law & Liberty, The Moneychanger, Government Union Review, American Economic Foundation Bulletin, The Free Market, The Sound Money Investor, and other publications. He is the author of Pieces of Eight -The Monetary Powers and Disabilities of the United States Constitution: A Study in Constitutional Law. He has also submitted numerous briefs to the Supreme Court of the United States, including briefs on behalf of appellees and appellants as well as amicus curiae briefs.
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