By Devvy Kidd
August 29, 2003
The battle in Alabama over the First Amendment has been dominating the attention of millions of Americans who see this latest push by the American Communist Lawyers Union [ACLU] and Morris Dees as an all out, no holds barred attempt to completely remove God from the American landscape and culture.
In this writer's humble opinion, no Christian man or woman can belong to the ACLU and still call themselves a Christian. There is no way to justify any Christian belonging to an organization whose number one agenda is to destroy the moral fabric of this nation by defending filth like NAMBLA [North American Men and Boys Love Association], whose slogan is "sex after eight, it's too late," or teaming up with a God hater like Morris Dees.
I call on all Christians who belong to the ACLU to return your membership card now and leave this wicked organization. If you want to see a great deal of the misery caused by the ACLU go away, then walk away from this organization. They need you and your membership money to continue destroying all that we hold dear. There's an old saying which goes, "Lie down with dogs, get up with fleas." Belonging to the ACLU is like wallowing in a sewage plant holding tank.
The so-called 'separation of church and state' bandied around by so many mindless puppets would be laughable if it weren't such a serious issue. Half the people who use this phrase don't even have a clue as to its origination, something covered in a prior piece on this web site at: www.newswithviews.com/Devvy/kidd2.htm
There is a world of difference between separation of church and state and having the Ten Commandments on display at some state court house. Even a first grader can understand this exact language from the First Amendment: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion…." Where is this law made by the U.S. Congress that is establishing a religion in Montgomery, Alabama?
If displaying the Ten Commandments in the rotunda area of a court house in Alabama is establishing a religion, what religion is that? As Bob Schulz, Chairman of We the People Foundation stated to this writer recently, "Where is the Church of the Ten Commandments?" What religion is called the Ten Commandments?"
We the People Foundation will be running as a full page ad August 28, 2003, in the daily Montgomery, Alabama newspaper, the Montgomery Advertiser, an open letter to the People of Alabama and all Americans on this very issue. To view the ad, see: www.givemeliberty.org/RTPLawsuit/Misc/Alabama PaperAug-03.PDF
The other part of the First Amendment
"………., and to petition the government for a redress of grievances." The right to petition the government isn't just words on some old dusty parchment. The Founding Fathers knew that eventually too many men in power would lose sight of their purpose in being part of a servant government and turn into tyrants. The right to petition the government with a redress of grievance by the very people being governed is an unalienable Right that has been trampled upon and almost forgotten by the people themselves.
Some history into the right of the people to redress
The right of the people to patition their servant government dates back to the Colonial America era. Early petitioning included everything from trading with the Indians to petitions for public legislation. A comprehensive study on this issue can be read at: www.givemeliberty.org/RTPLawsuit/ Research/Smith-NeglectedButAbsolute.PDF
Over the past century, this sacred right has completely deteriorated and today we are faced with a federal machine that simply ignores the citizenry who present a valid and important redress of grievance(s). The arrogance displayed by Congress, the White House, the Department of Justice and the IRS relating to formal petitions for redress of grievances by We the People Foundation would have never been tolerated by early Americans or the Founding Fathers. It is the government's duty and obligation to respond to legitimate redress of grievances submitted by the people of this Republic. The Founding Fathers didn't write this part of the First Amendment because it sounded warm and fuzzy. They meant those words and they also meant for government to suffer the consequences should elected public servants choose to ignore them: Excerpts from a speech by Bob Schulz, January 7, 2003:"The founding fathers also knew that unless the Right to Petition included the right to withhold their money from the government UNTIL their grievances were redressed, their grievances might fall on deaf ears and Liberty would give way to tyranny, despotism and involuntary servitude.
"The founding fathers, in an act of the Continental Congress in 1774, said, and I quote: "If money is wanted by Rulers who have in any manner oppressed the People, [the People] may retain [their money] until their grievances are redressed, and thus peaceably procure relief, without trusting to despised petitions or disturbing the public tranquility."
"This very American Right of Redress of Grievances Before Taxes is deeply embedded in our law.
"The founding fathers could hardly have used words more clear when they declared, "the people … may retain [their money] until their grievances are [remedied]."
"By these words, the founding fathers fully recognized and clearly stated: that the Right of Redress of Grievances includes the right of Redress Before payment of Taxes, that this Right of Redress Before Taxes lies in the hands of the People, that this Right is the People's nonviolent, peaceful means to procuring a remedy to their grievances without having to depend on - or place their trust in -- the government's willingness to respond to the People's petitions and without having to resort to violence."
We the People v. the U.S. Government
After more than four years of respectfully requesting the Department of Justice [under both Reno and Ashcroft] and the IRS [under both Rossotti and Everson], answer specific legal questions regarding the IRS, Bob Schulz and his We the People Foundation are taking the next step: a class action lawsuit.
Neither questions in writing, invitations to seminars nor petitioning under the First Amendment have moved one single bureaucrat in Washington, DC to respond. The time has now come to take this very important issue to the court room to "....test the attitude of the Judiciary and seek a declaration of our rights and injunctive relief."
No monetary damages are being asked in this lawsuit. This is a ground breaking, historical and massive undertaking, but what else can a free people do when their servant government becomes tyrannical and cares nothing for or about the very people they are elected to serve and in fact, continue to harass and jail those who dare ask questions?
The Constitution is hanging by a very thin and slender thread. The situation is made even worse when you have law professors who promote the complete annihilation of the U.S. Constitution and Bill of rights:
"We have no unalienable rights...The Constitution is merely a piece of paper…Government should not be restrained because it can do good things for people." Alan Dershowitz, Professor of Law, Harvard; Debate at Franklin & Marshal, September 27, 2000
A college professor says we have no unalienable rights because the Constitution is just a piece of paper and government should not be restrained because it can continue to seduce the voting population with unconstitutional social program give-aways.
This is the bilge being spewed by a professor of law and it's very dangerous to self-reliant, independent Americans who love their freedom. Instead of getting the sack, Professor Dershowitz is praised on every talking head show and by organizations throughout this country as a champion of "civil" liberties.Become a plaintiff
All citizens that meet the criteria defined in the lawsuit's Class Definition are welcome to apply to become part of the Plaintiff class. There is no cost to either be a plaintiff or participate as a member of the Plaintiff class, nor will you need to appear in court or otherwise file any papers. This lawsuit is being funded by We the People Foundation through donations. Lead counsel has been retained and the process is moving forward.
For more information, please see: www.givemeliberty.org/RTPLawsuit/ApplyAs Plaintiff.htm
Our right to undertake this demand that We the People must have our questions answered by servant government was given to us at great cost in human blood and sacrifice. If anyone is "too busy" to fight for freedom and to protect our God-given rights, then they don't deserve to live free.
© 2003 Devvy Kidd - All Rights Reserved
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Devvy Kidd is the Executive Director of We the People Congress, Inc., based in Annapolis, Maryland; WTPC is an affiliate of We the People Foundation. Devvy is a contibuting writer for www.NewsWithViews.com Devvy's web site is: www.devvy.com E-Mail: [email protected]