Hope to see you at the Convention!
Devvy Kidd
November 23, 2003
We the People Foundation for Constitutional Education, Inc., and We the
People Congress, Inc., will be holding our first yearly conventions. As the
individual doing the planning for this huge event, I can tell you that as
of this date, the following speakers are confirmed:
Hutton Gibson, father of Oscar winning director and actor, Mel Gibson
Joseph Sobran
Delegate Don Dwyer, serves in the Maryland State Legislature
Councilman Normal Council, Landsdowne PA City Council
Joseph Banister
Sherry Jackson
Lynda Wall
John Turner
Dr. Edwin Vieira [tentative as he has a trial in mid-Jan]
I speak with so many of you over the years or exchange e-mail, yet I never get
to meet you. I hope you will be able to make the convention and enjoy this
wonderful event and even say hi to each other!
Be sure to make your reservation right away as we only have 40 rooms held at
the $99.00 discount rate. Also, the first two rows only, are reserved, center section
seating in the amphitheater. There are only 25 tickets. This guarantees you will
sit in those two front rows for all three days.
I deliberately chose the Crystal City Forum Amphitheater instead of just a room
with tables and chairs. The seating is fabulous; each comfortable seat has it's own
little table for coffee and we will have the giant screen on stage so everyone will be
able to see just fine. Much more comfortable than metal chairs.
The private reception will give you the opportunity to meet our distinguished speakers.
The Celebrated String Quartet will play during the reception; hors d'oeuvres and bar
will be provided.
The banquet will offer either a beef or chicken dish from the Marriott's very accomplished
chef. This is also limited seating: 250. The Celebrated String Quartet will also entertain
us until our keynote speaker hits the podium.
Devvy Kidd
Executive Director
We the People Congress, Inc.
* * * * * * *
11-19-03Give Me Liberty 2004: Conference Registration Opens
Register On-Line Now or by Mail
High-Profile Speakers Invited to Lead Historic DialogueWe are pleased to open formal registration for “Give Me Liberty 2004”, the first annual
conference sponsored by the WTP organization. The three-day conference will be held
January 22-24 in Arlington, Virginia, just outside Washington, DC.The central theme of the conference is “The Right to Petition: Re-discovering the ‘capstone’
Right and using it to reclaim our Freedom and restore Constitutional Order.” The primary
conference structure will feature six, 2-3 hour panel discussions covering the history, nature
and contemporary application of the long-forgotten Right to Petition for Redress of Grievances.Please see the main GML 2004 conference information page to register, and to access the
preliminary agenda and other conference/hotel information. You can register either on-line
or by mail.The opening conference panel will be an overview of the history, evolution and power of the
Right to Petition and the class-action lawsuit being brought to enforce this recently “re-discovered”
unalienable Right.
The subsequent panels cover the subject matters of the formal WTP Petitions for Redress,
including the Iraq Resolution, the Federal Reserve, the USA Patriot Act and the federal
income tax. The final panel on Saturday investigates the role of the media in relationship
to the Petitioning process and addresses a spectrum of constitutional abuses that could
exercise the Right to Petition to secure remedies.The preliminary agenda includes a number of nationally renowned public figures that have
been invited to lead the conference including: Judge Roy Moore (former Alabama Supreme Court Justice), syndicated columnist Dr. Walter Williams, former Presidential candidate Dr. Alan Keyes, Joseph Farah (publisher, WorldNetDaily.com), national columnists Joseph Sobran and Charlie Reece, Jacob Hornberger (founder, The Future of Freedom Foundation) and author G. Edward Griffin (Creature From Jekyll Island).Other nationally notable individuals including attorneys, law professors, authors and
several individuals representing opposing viewpoints are also slated to bring voice to
the proceeding’s historic dialogue. Among those invited are Washington attorney
Mark Lane (lead counsel for the WTP Right to Petition lawsuit), author and activist
Catherine Austin Fitts, Rep. Ron Paul (TX), Rep. Henry Hyde (IL) and subject matter
experts & advocates such as former IRS Agents Joe Banister (CID Special Agent and
CPA), Sherry Jackson (CPA, Certified Fraud Examiner) and John Turner (former Revenue Officer).
Hutton Gibson, the conservative father of world-renowned actor, director and producer Mel Gibson,
will address the convention. Discussions have been initiated with Mel Gibson to speak at the
convention along with his father. Potential schedule additions and details will be posted as they
become available.Please see the agenda for more schedule details and a more complete speaker list.
As promised, we also will conduct a workshop where workers, businesses and the self-employed
will learn how to legally terminate all income related tax withholding. This session will be run by
former IRS Office of Counsel Attorney Paul Chappell and paralegal Lynda Wall.Please see the registration page for more details about the conference packages available.
We urge everyone to register as quickly as possible and reserve your place at our convention.Please make your hotel reservations as quickly as possible. We have reserved a limited number
of rooms at the Marriott hotel at a significantly discounted $99 per night. When calling the hotel,
please specify that you are with the WTP conference.Please note we are offering an additional 5% conference discount for those that register before
Thanksgiving Day, November 27th. Mail registrations postmarked before that day will also receive
the special 5% discount. Please also note that after December 15th, prices for late registrations will be increased.Please see the main GML 2004 conference information page for registration details, the full agenda,
hotel contact information and other important links.See you in Washington!