By: Devvy
January 18, 2004
McVeigh's Second Trial
"He continues to be affable," Chambers said. "He continues to be rational in his
discourse. He maintains his sense of humor." Nathan Chambers, attorney for
McVeigh, less than 24 hours before McVeigh's executionThe cheerful death row prisoner
How odd that someone who is to die by way of a lethal cocktail would be "upbeat,"
"affable" and "maintaining a sense of humor" less than 24 hours before his own
execution. Yet, these are various adjectives used by McVeigh's appellate attorneys
describing Timothy McVeigh awaiting his injection.McVeigh had some other quirky behavior worth noting: He loved to sit in his cell
and watch cartoons. This wouldn't seem so odd for a child or even a teenager, but
McVeigh was 33 at the time of his execution. McVeigh's outlook on the world was
it would be an ideal place if based on the Star Trek concept depicted in the TV series.
As a witness for the prosecution, Lori Fortier, went to great lengths to explain under
oath that the reason McVeigh chose the name "Robert Kling" for his fake driver's
license was because he loved to watch Star Trek and Kling was a knock-off having
to do with the "Klingons."Star Wars, a hugely popular series of films by George Lucas, allegedly was McVeigh's
choice for justifying why he blew up the Murrah Building. He also never went anywhere
without the book, The Turner Diaries. The similarities of McVeigh's behavior and
that of the character, Jerry, played by Mel Gibson in the movie, Conspiracy Theory
(1997) is quite startling.In McVeigh's Second Trial, I pointed out a minor reference by a former acquaintance
from his home town that McVeigh told him the Army had implanted a chip in his
bottom. In McVeigh's Second Trial you will read the factual transcript testimony
from U.S. Senate hearings on the MK-ULTRA mind control programs conducted
by the CIA and FBI. Admiral Turner provides some of the most chilling details
of this horrific act of immoral and illegal activity against unsuspecting Americans
you'll ever read.One thing that does become obvious if you do enough research on this subject:
certain objects or phrases can trigger desired behavior patterns that can be good
or bad. Why did McVeigh just suddenly roll over and say, "Fine, kill me, I feel real
good about it?" Soldiers don't give up, they fight to the end. If there was even
the slightest possibility that McVeigh wasn't in complete control of his faculties,
then a jury would have had to conclude that he was incapable of being an active
participant in his own defense. A subject of hypnosis, chemical experimentation
or one of these insidious mind control projects is as incapable of defending
themselves as would an infant.Patrick Henry said, "We are apt to close our eyes against a painful truth." Because
McVeigh displayed such odd behavior, because he was so sickened by the slaughter
at Waco, which makes you wonder how he could turn around and murder 168 Americans, and because there seemed to be a question of whether or not McVeigh had a micro chip implanted in his bottom, I filed a FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) request on May 22, 2002 for various documents including McVeigh's medical records.The Army refused every step of the process so I filed suit in Federal District Court
on February 5, 2003. On August 19, 2003, I filed a Motion for Summary Judgment
which was countered by the Army. On September 26, 2003, I filed the appropriate response.
It has been almost five months since that filing and Judge Kennedy is still sitting on it;
one wonders when he will decide to hatch the egg? One thing is for certain: the
government doesn't want anyone to see McVeigh's medical records. The only
problem is, under the law, dead people have no privacy rights. Stay tuned because
I intend to fight this all the way to the top.Ashcroft could hardly wait to execute McVeigh. Never mind the fact that the feds had no jurisdiction to try him for murder (check the Constitution), why this rush to execution?
Government witness testifies about blue and white drums
According to the government, the Ryder truck contained "weapons of mass
destruction," Allegedly, this 20' yellow Ryder truck had 13 plastic "barrels"
packed inside carrying the ingredients for the bomb. The FBI analyzed two
pieces of plastic: blue and white. This becomes a critical issue: plastic barrels
or containers inside the truck and trash containers inside and around the
Murrah Building.At the same time McVeigh's "trial" was in progress, the government tried
desperately to counter a huge PR problem that cropped up: A very courageous
man by the named of Frederick Whitehurst who was employed by the FBI
at the time, became a federal whistle blower in a very big way. This scandal
about the gross incompetence of the FBI lab in Washington, DC was dropped
right smack in the public's eye during McVeigh's trial. Too bad most American's
weren't paying attention.According to the OIG (Office of Inspector General) report, the FBI lab boys
have no idea if ANFO was used as "weapons of mass destruction in the Murrah bombing."
Here is just a tiny sample of "evidence" used to send someone to death row:
In Section B: Oklahoma City bombing:
We conclude that it was inappropriate for Williams to render a categorical opinion in
his report that the main charge was ANFO. As discussed with reference to the World
Trade Center case, it is inappropriate for a forensic Laboratory examiner to identify
the main charge based in whole or in part on prior knowledge of the explosive
components purchased by a defendant. Such an identification is not based on scientific
or technical grounds and appears to tailor the opinion to evidence associated with the
defendants."Moreover, Williams' report does not mention that the defendant's purchases were
the basis of the ANFO opinion. The report is presented as an FBI Laboratory report.
It begins with the phrase, Results of examination: The reader is left with the
impression that the opinions presented are based on the scientific analyses of
the FBI Laboratory. Accordingly, Williams' opinion that the main charge was
ANFO appears to be based solely on his technical expertise as an explosives
examiner and thus appears to be very incriminating to someone (like defendant
Nichols) who allegedly purchased ANFO components before the Oklahoma City
explosion. The opinion is thus misleading and presents the case in a way most
incriminating to the defendants. Had Williams explicitly stated in his report that
the ANFO opinion was based on the defendant's purchases, the opinion could have
been appropriately discounted as a non-expert conclusion that seeks to match the
characteristics of the explosion with evidence associated with the defendants."As indicated, Williams told us that the crime scene was consistent with the use of
an ammonium nitrate dynamite, which could have had a VOD in the range Williams
estimated. The major components of ammonium nitrate dynamite (ammonium
nitrate and nitroglycerin) were found at the crime scene. A dynamite wrapper
was also found. Williams' report, however, fails to address the possibility that the
main charge consisted of dynamite, which an objective report would explicitly
have discussed."We conclude that Williams' categorical conclusion that the main charge was
ANFO was not scientifically justified and was based on improper grounds.And, In Section G of the same OIG report:
(1) "Further, we conclude that Martz improperly deviated from the explosives
residue protocol in his examination of some specimens".(2) Further on in the report is the statement by Agent Williams and his methodology
to determine what kind of explosive was used: "...Williams' concluded that the main
explosive used at OKC was ANFO. He acknowledged that he reached this conclusion,
in part, because Terry Nichols, one of the defendants in the case, purchased ammonia
nitrate and diesel oil prior to the bombing. Without the evidence of these purchases,
Williams admitted he would have been unable to conclude that ANFO was used.
Indeed, Williams stated that based on the post-blast scene alone, it could have been
dynamite; I'm suggesting that there could have been other things. We concluded
that it was inappropriate for Williams to render a categorical opinion in his report
that the main charge was ANFO."In McVeigh's Second Trial you will read about several other cases where corrupt FBI
lab agents skewed the evidence and sent innocent Americans to prison for as long as
30 years. During the trial, the government's attorney did everything he could to
shore up the gross incompetence of the FBI lab in Washington, DC. But, if you carefully
read the OIG report, you can come to no other conclusion except that the government
had no scientific case to support their weapons of mass destruction inside the Ryder
truck theory.Richard Williams worked in the building for GSA. From April 17 - 19, 1995, in his
comings and going to and from work, he never saw McVeigh or the yellow Marquis.
He never saw a yellow Ryder truck. However, on cross, he did provide some interesting
information. The government contended that the yellow Ryder truck contained 13 huge, plastic containers, possibly blue in color, which contained the ingredients for a bomb.Under cross examination, Williams testified that GSA had purchased approximately
80 blue plastic trash cans. These cans are the same size and color as the ones alleged
to have contained the weapons of mass destruction inside the Ryder Truck. Roughly
80 containers of the same size and color were in and around the building on
April 19, 1995 prior to 9:00 am that morning.This testimony by Mr. Williams (no relation to agent Williams at the FBI lab in DC)
is so important. These blue plastic trash cans were all around that building. Allegedly,
this 20' yellow Ryder truck had 13 of the same kind of barrels packed inside carrying
the ingredients for the bomb. The government has assumed they were blue because
the only evidence they examined at their lab in Washington, DC for this bombing:
two pieces of plastic, blue and white. Now, which pieces of plastic were the compromised
FBI lab boys examining - the ones already in and around the Murrah Building or the
ones alleged to have been in the Ryder truck?I found it astounding that there were so few pieces of forensic evidence studied by
the FBI's crime lab considering the size of the crime scene. But, you have all these
blue plastic containers blown to bits because of the explosion that were right at the
crime scene. We have a load of nothing to prove there were any inside the Ryder
truck parked outside.The infamous crater
Contrary to all the publicity and hype, there was no "huge crater" made by the
Ryder Truck in front of the building. There was a "pit" area, but that was made
by the charges going off inside the building.
Below are two photographs that clearly show there was no "huge crater" immediately following the bombing. The first one below was removed from after McVeigh's Second Trial was posted to my web site. All the other crime scene photos that were on the URL above have now been removed. Why?
The second photo appeared in the Denver Post the day following the bombing:
As anyone with two working eyes can see, the building was blown from the inside out.
Experts not on the government payroll or under government contract receiving federal money
The vast majority of the American people have never seen these quotes before, but
they are important because each of these individuals are certified experts in their
field. Why were none of them allowed to testify at McVeigh's trial in Denver?Dr. Samuel Cohen, inventor of the neutron bomb and one of the last remaining
scientists who worked on the Manhattan Project and has spent more than 50 years
involved in scientific work stated: "I believe that demolition charges in the building
placed inside at certain key concrete columns did the primary damage to the Murrah
Federal Building." (June 1995) "It would have been absolutely impossible and against
the laws of nature for a truck full of fertilizer and fuel oil, no matter how much was
used --to bring the building down." Contacted shortly after the third anniversary
of the bombing, Dr. Cohen stated, "I have not been following the case closely, but it
seems to me that the evidence has gotten much stronger in favor of internal charges,
while the ammonium nitrate bomb theory has fallen apart."Alvin Norberg is another expert in the field of explosives, construction and demolition.
I gave a speech for the California Rifle & Pistol Association on June 11, 2001, the
day McVeigh was executed and saw Mr. Norberg there. We had a discussion about
the bombing and he told me to stay on the bombs in the building, they were the key.
Norberg is a licensed professional engineer in Auburn, California with over 50 years of
engineering experience on over 5,000 construction projects, writes that evidence from the ETS data:"...verifies that the severe structural damage to the Murrah Building was not
caused by a truck bomb outside the building," and that "the collapse of the Murrah
Federal Building was the result of 'mechanically coupled devices' (bombs) placed
locally within the structure adjacent to the critical columns."Mike Smith, a civil engineer in Cartersville, Georgia, commissioned to review the
Eglin Blast Effects Study, states:"The results of the Blast Effect Test One on the Eglin Test Structure present
strong evidence that a single Ammonium Nitrate and Fuel Oil device of approximately
4800 lbs. placed inside a truck could not have caused the damage to the Murrah
federal Building experienced on April 19, 1995."Even assuming that the building had structural deficiencies and that the ANFO
device was constructed with racing fuel, the air-coupled blast produced from this
4800 lb. device would not have damaged the columns and beams of the Murrah
Building enough to produce a catastrophic failure. "Alexander B. Magnus, P.E., M.E. in letter to Warden Lappin at the Federal Penitentiary, Terra Haute, IN on June 10, 2001:
"Moreover, although a large number of top technical experts would have willingly
testified at the McVeigh trial that the prosecutions version of the single truck
bomb theory was physically impossible, these experts were never permitted to
present such testimony. As a result, Timothy McVeigh was "convicted" of
committing a physical impossibility."Consequently, I urge you not to proceed with the execution of Timothy McVeigh
since critical exculpatory expert testimony was not presented to the McVeigh jury
for consideration. The execution of Timothy McVeigh will constitute additional
destruction of "evidence."Conclusion
Allegedly McVeigh confessed to this crime. What would make him do such a thing?
Was he even the 'real' Timothy McVeigh that morning in OKC
The agent on the right nose to nose with the McVeigh photo shows a remarkable
resemblance. Why are the other two ATF agents in the photo identified, but the
one so closely resembling McVeigh unnamed?McVeigh's so called confession leaves a lot to be desired in my mind and I refer
to the big brouhaha over the book, American Terrorist. This highly touted book
conveniently came out right before McVeigh's first scheduled execution. Let me
give you a little reality check about the author Dan Herbeck. He called my dear
friend, Gen. Ben Partin after the book had obviously gone to press and asked
Ben some questions. When Ben began explaining the scientific impossibility of
a "crude truck bomb" destroying the Murrah Building, Herbeck became testy
on the phone and said he didn't want to discuss "that."He also admitted to Ben that he never personally interviewed McVeigh. Folks
might remember seeing both Herbeck and his sidekick, Lou Michel, all over the
talk show circuit state that they had spent 75 hours with McVeigh at the prison
in Terra Haute. It appears this is a bald faced lie, so how much credence can you
put in their book? I place none. Herbeck and Michel claim in their book that the
"truck bomb" was 7,000#. Really? The FBI's OIG (Office of the Inspector General)
can't even tell you the correct amount, so where did these two "journalists" come
up with that figure? From McVeigh? Sure and they should be kissing the blarney
stone sometime soon.The information in this two part article is just the tip of the iceberg. I encourage
everyone to read McVeigh's Second Trial. When you're finished reading this 228-page
compilation of fact upon fact upon fact, not only is there more than reasonable doubt
regarding Mr. McVeigh's role in this horrendous act of murder, there can be no other
conclusion that the Murrah Building was not destroyed by any Ryder truck full of home
made bombs.If the Murrah Building was not destroyed by the weapons of mass destruction Ryder
truck bomb theory used to execute Timothy McVeigh and sent Nichols to prison for life,
then how could either McVeigh or Nichols be found guilty of using weapons of
mass destruction?Why was McVeigh arraigned at Tinker AFB instead of a federal court house? He was a
civilian at the time.Where are the undetonated bombs found inside the building? There is too much
evidence to support this statement, so where are the bombs?A thousand unanswered questions and those who committed this atrocity still run
free. Sadly, most Americans don't care. It was a long time ago and, besides, McVeigh's
execution and Nichols' conviction brought "closure" to the nation.Not for me it didn't.
© 2004 Devvy Kidd - All Rights Reserved