do we see above? We see the raging bull the people
of America. We see a matador standing there, cool and untouched.
The matador is waving a cape in front of the American people
which continues to draw their ire and anger, or lulls them
into complacency and a false sense of security. The American
people, because they haven't been given the facts and the
truth about the privately owned Fed,the IRS,
the UN, social security and other key mechanisms of the
masters of this proposed one-world government, continue
to huff and puff at the cape. Sometimes they even charge
the cape.
the raging bull continues to be frustrated that the cape
appears over and over and he never really gets his target,
there is another distraction: the clowns. The clowns are
the U.S. Congress and the majority of those who serve in
the 50 state legislatures. While the bull is raging over
today's cape which says Bill the Liar was serviced by Monica,
the clowns jump up and down yelling silly phrases like bi-partisan
or $40 million dollars in four years.
next day the cape says we have bombed a terrorist chemical
lab in the Sudan, which is going to prove to be a big, fat,
ugly lie and wag the dog becomes reality. Then the next
day is another cape which is a partisan pretend-fight over
social security and who has the best plan to save it. Or,
a cape that says the Republicans care more about education
than the Democrats. Then we will have another Clinton scandal
cape with the clowns adding entertaining distractions. The
clowns are smart they never get too close to the
raging bull. Like the cowards that they are, they simply
throw the bull what he wants to eat or drink and the bull
backs down and goes back to the cape. The matador continues
to stand untouched.
we have a cape that serves up an Internet bonanza of pornography
guaranteed to keep tens of thousands glued to breasts and
butts. The bull tries to charge but again the clowns distract
the bull with a v-chip, as if they have any constitutional
authority whatsoever to regulate the television set. They
don't, but then the clowns in Congress think America is
a democracy, so for them, whatever the mobs want, they can
be bought for 30 pieces. Thirty pieces will guarantee that
the clowns make up the rules as they go, while the real
rules, our laws contained in the U.S. Constitution and our
God-given rights as reinforced by the Bill of Rights, are
flushed. In the meantime, the matador continues to move
at the speed of a shooting star towards a totalitarian world
dictatorship while the bull continues to focus on the cape
of the day.
other days, the bull isn't raging. He's one of the unconscious
bulls. He just stands there glued to the cape, not even
knowing why, it just feels good. That cape says ER or soap
operas or the NFL or a sale at Sears or camping in Yosemite.
The Seinfeld cape brings a tear to the eye of this type
of bull. Fret not! For this scenario, the matador comes
up with a new fall line up of mesmerizing capes to continue
distracting the bull.
what is the matador doing all this time? The matador
is making sure the bull, whether he be Republican or Democrat,
stays focused on the cape. A cape like liquid mercury, it
waves Republican is the answer to smaller government and
lower taxes even though the Republicans have done just the
opposite since taking power in January of 1995. It waves
Democrat will give you free, unconstitutional welfare programs
and breed you to dependence like an opiate. But like one
drugged, the only concern of the day for the bull is the
fix. The one cape the matador never waves in front of the
bull is the one that says truth.
in a while the bull goes for the cape. In come the clowns
with capes of deception like a Republican Revolution
and Contract For America or free health care
for every American. A new cape tells the bull he's
better off without his horns [guns], because his horns kill
people while he's sound asleep. The matador has convinced
the clowns that inanimate objects like guns are the problem
instead of the bad people who pull the trigger. The bull
is distracted and chases the clowns who chant the same mantra
of absurdities. The matador then continues waving the various
capes filled with lies about education, the environment,
the Fed,the IRS and all the rest of the his
arsenal of tyranny. The bull gets tired, worn out and the
fight is drained from him. The next day, the routine starts
all over again.
problem is, one day the bull will either be so drunk, full
of drugs, so tired, silly happy with the stock market
or decides to charge the cape in a real and aggressive
manner, that the matador will finally plunge the sword in
his heart and the bull will die. Just like our great and
glorious Republic is dying right before our eyes while most
of the bulls in the stable stand and watch, waiting their
turn for the cape and the sword.
is the real agenda of the matador? The matador is
building a new world order. The matador is making sure his
clowns perform well by lining their pockets with 30 pieces
of silver. The clowns pass major pieces of legislation that
aid the matador in bringing down America: NAFTA, GATT, the
FED,and so on. The matador buys and moves governments
around at will because of the money it prints up for its
own use while the bull continues to stand in rage focusing
on the cape. Money buys the clowns whether they're in America,
Portugal, Spain, Russia, South Africa or Canada.
something has happened in this bull ring of deception:
The sleeping giant, the people of America, are waking up
in unprecedented numbers and they don't like what they see.
I know you're one of those Americans who has been watching,
learning and looking for answers and solutions. I hope my
project will help you discover the truth behind the cape.
those unfamiliar with POWER, this project was founded
by Devvy Kidd. You may read her biography
from the table of contents. POWER is a First Amendment
grassroots effort to educate and motivate Americans to get
involved with curing the cancers of our nation before the
One World Order architects bring America to her knees under
a totalitarian, Communist regime. The threat to America
is as real as the sun in the sky, yet most Americans are
unaware of this danger lurking just over the horizon.
are double digit millions of people who are working as hard
as humanly possible to get the truth to our fellow countrymen
they are truly the unsung heroes of today.
Once you understand the truth behind mechanisms like the
privately owned Federal Reserve, the
IRS, the UN and others, you will finally understand why
America continues to slide further and further into moral
and fiscal bankruptcy, the loss of our freedoms and our
precious sovereignty as a Republic. Despite the reprehensible
and despicable actions of politicians and political talking
heads on TV, America is NOT a democracy! Our legal
form of government is a Republic.
are significant words from those who would enslave US in
this nightmare scenario called the New World Order or One
World Order. Please consider the material available from
POWER, not as Republican or Democrat, conservative or liberal,
black, white, tall or short. The material presented on this
web site is factual and can be backed up with documentation.
Americans need to readjust their thinking pattern from being
a Republican, Democrat, Liberal, Moderate or Conservative
or hyphenated something or other and then American. The
truth is none of these labels and neither is the U.S. Constitution,
it's generic.
consider the information presented in this web site as what's
good for America, what is UN-American and Anti-American.
We the People of this nation must stand shoulder to shoulder,
strong and firm in our commitment to restore America to
a Constitutional Republic.
these words by two very important players working diligently
to bring US into a one world religion [Godless New Age],
one world government [somewhere in Europe], one world bank
and a one world robocop force - UN Hessian type troops which
are slated to replace our military. No? Once you've done
your homework, you will know that this is a true and factual
statement. How could this happen? America has been asleep
and the trust they put into their elected public officials
has been grossly violated.
Americans would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los
Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful!
This is especially true if they were told there was an
outside threat from beyond whether real or promulgated,
that threatened our very existence. It is then that all
peoples of the world will pledge with world leaders to
deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears
is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual
rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee
of their well being granted to them by their world government.
Henry Kissinger in an address to the Bilderberger
meeting at Evian, France on May 21, 1992.
This was transcribed from a tape recording made by a Swiss
delegate. Unfortunately for Mr. Kissinger and his globalist
masters, they have severely underestimated the grit and
patriotism of the American people. We will NEVER allow
our country to fall to this "New World Order" regardless
of the personal sacrifices that must be made.
are grateful to the Washington Post, the NY Times, Time
Magazine and other great publications whose directors
have attended our meetings and respected their promises
of discretion for almost 40 years....It would have
been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world
if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during
those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and
prepared to march towards a world government. The
supernational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and
world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination
practiced in past centuries.
David Rockefeller speaking at the Bilderberger
meeting in June 1991 in Baden Baden, Germany.
This meeting was also attended by Dan Quayle and Bill Clinton,
who was introduced to these international traitors by none
other than Vernon Jordan. If you or I attended meetings,
held in total secrecy, surrounded by guards armed with UZI's
and other assorted assault weapons and planned the downfall
of America, we would be tried for sedition. These globalists,
i.e. Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller, Sen. Jay Rockefeller,
have sold out America for their own lust of power. Reality
check for them: America will NOT fall to her knees for these
petty henchmen of the world order.
sheer enormity and amount of information contained in this
web site can be overwhelming, so we recommend that you take
it one step at a time. Our beloved Republic is in grave
danger and every sovereign citizen in this country has the
obligation and the duty to safeguard our freedoms paid for
with the precious blood of Americans before us. We must
not shame their memory because the television set, going
to the mall or a round of golf has become more important
than freedom.
must dedicate ourselves to this fight for freedom, for all
America has stood for in the past and for all we will stand
for in the future. We the People must be the army of America,
the leadership for America as William Wallace was for the
people of Scotland. We can turn things around by learning
to fight smart using the system our forefathers gave us
that has held us for so long. Violence is not the answer,
unity, dedication and commitment is our weapon.
more reinventing the wheel. No more distractions by the
cape: We are focused on the matador and the money trail.
Order my two booklets and if you find the information compelling
and accurate, order them in bulk and help educate ten people
or a hundred people and tell them to do the same. The order
blank is in the table of contents.
am concerned for the security of our great nation, not
so much because of any threat from without, but because
of the insidious forces working from within.
General Douglas MacArthur.
threats MacArthur spoke about from within are directly dictated
by the global masters who orchestrate wars and who are draining
the lifeblood of America. The threat to the Union is both
foreign and domestic.
