The Gold Dinar Devvy Kidd
December 18, 2002For years the price of gold has been manipulated and suppressed. During this time, smart people have been buying gold at rock bottom prices, a great many of them off this web site by contacting Harvey Gordin at El Dorado Gold (623-434-3322) Harvey will also mail you a complimentary copy of my Why A Bankurpt America booklet just for calling!
Today gold is $344 per ounce, a 5-year high and a big jump from just a few months ago. Americans concerned about protecting their hard earned assets should be aware of a new form of currency which will be implemented in April 2003: The Gold Dinar
Few people have heard of what's going to happen on the other side of the world, but could have a profound effect on the dollar. I highly recommend that you take the time to understand what this is all about:
Over the past year or so, I have endeavored to keep people up to speed on the gold manipulation suit that was brought by GATA ( This is a very, very serious issue that makes the corruption of some of these high-profile corporate scandals look like child's play.
That is not to make light of the horrific and terrible consequences to employees of companies like Enron, but this gold manipulation fraud, when it finally blows, will be far, far worse for many innocent Americans. Banks like J.P. Morgan Chase are up to their eyeballs in this illegal price manipulation and anti-trust violations. Too bad Bill O'Reilly won't take on this issue as he did Enron.
Through a combination of market manipulation and privately negotiated derivative contracts concealing billions of dollars worth of physical gold, via collaboration between some big name banks and foreign players, the price of gold today should be around $760 per ounce. When this new Gold Dinar currency goes into play next year, the demand for gold will be a healthy tonnage each year. It's going to be real interesting.
As someone who owns gold and shares in Gold Corp, who mine one of the richest gold veins in the world, I hope you will take the time to learn about this issue and diversify some of your holdings into gold. Harvey Gordin will be happy to help you learn without any pressure. You can visit his site at: or give him a call at: 623-434-3322
Real Money