Attack on Gaza Flotilla: Brute force of Zionism By: Devvy Is there any hope for peace in the Middle East? How many peace conferences has there been over the past 60 some years for "Peace for the Middle East"? Think about it. Under every president during my life time, there has been "peace" conferences. Camp David, London, you name the destination. How many more conferences will be held to "bring peace to the Middle East"? It sounds like a marketing slogan while lives are being affected on both sides. We continue to entangle ourselves in all these regional conflicts and tribal uprisings in countries like Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iraq. Who has benefited? Not we the people or those countries we invade under the big, fat lie called "nation building" -- "In Stalin's Russia, notes Mikhail Heller, enemies were blamed for everything; they were used to justify the invasion of Czechoslovakia (1968), the invasion of Afghanistan in 1980, and so on. The Soviet Communists were thus able to manipulate Soviet citizens into supporting government hunts for "terrorists," "traitors," and spies, for "liberation wars" for humanity. "Using Marxist-Leninist strategies, the Russian, Chinese, and U.S. ruling elites have sought to frighten Americans and other populations with the specter of ruthless mass terror. They have created enemies and blamed them for everything including terrorist acts. They have used them manipulate Americans into supporting government hunts for "traitors," "terrorists," and these never ending "wars of national liberation." Their aim is to manipulate whole populations into supporting "wars of national liberation" and achieving not only the sovietization of "liberated" underdeveloped countries such as Afghanistan and Iraq, but also the full altruization and sovietization of the United States and other Western nations. "On September 20, 2001, President Bush said, "Americans are asking: Who attacked our country? The evidence we have gathered all points Qaeda...This group and its leader - a person named Osama bin Laden - are linked to many other organizations in different countries...There are thousands of these terrorists in more than 60 countries. They are recruited from their own nations...and brought to camps in places like Afghanistan, where they are trained in the tactics of terror. The Chinese and Russian Marxist-Leninist-Maoist ruling elites were the originators and developers of air terrorism, they have provided terrorist training courses for Arab guerrillas and global Communists, and they have thus been able to blame acts of terrorism on "fanatics" and "rogue terrorists." "Today, however, the Russian killers are back in Afghanistan, providing "humanitarian" aid to the "oppressed" peoples. The Russian, Chinese, and American governing elites manipulated the American people into fighting a "liberation war" in Afghanistan. On January 28, 2003, President Bush said, "In Afghanistan, we helped liberate an oppressed people." The Bush Administration now seeks to assist the Russians in their attempt to achieve the altruization and sovietization of Afghanistan, promoting community building and community values (the Communist morality), "strengthening" institutions, "educating" the children, developing media capacity, setting up "cultural exchange programs," and otherwise remaking Afghanistan in the image of the Soviet Communist totalitarian police state." Jeri Lynn Ball, The Clash of Civilizations. The only ones to benefit from all these wars and terrorism are those seeking power and who reap obscene amounts of money selling war for peace. I don't know anyone, and I've been around the past two decades as an activist, who doesn't want real peace in the Middle East. We're all sick of the fighting and killing "for peace." Many years ago, I read a book published back in 1991, titled, Peace in the Holy Land: A biblical Plan by Gilman Hill. He presented his peace proposal to terrorist Yasser Arafat of the PLO. He discussed his peace plan with Yitzhak Mod'i, Minister of Finance, State of Israel. Well, here we are today and the situation is even worse. Despite the efforts of so many and millions of hours of human effort, there is no peace in the Middle East. Then we have the culture war. When I first started trying to understand what was going on over there, I read a book titled, Arab and Jew: Wounded Spirits in a Promised Land by Pulitzer Prize winner, David K. Shipler, he writes: "The Jew, according to the Arab stereotype, is a brutal, violent coward; the Arab, to the prejudiced Jew, is a primitive creature of animal vengeance and cruel desires. In this monumental work, David Shipler delves into the origins of the prejudices that have been intensified by war, terrorism and nationalism." When I read that I was shocked. I didn't grow up in a world like that where everyone hates everyone because of race or religion. We were just a poor American family in California. Of Italian and German decent, my parents were Americans first. While being Catholic, there was never any derogatory comments or teachings that people of other religions were animals or evil or anything else. I guess I lived a sheltered life because it wasn't until I got my head out of the sand and became an activist that I began researching and reading. The ugliness and brutality I learned about in Africa, the Middle East and other places truly made me sick inside. The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy by John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen M. Walt. A book that has caused both of these scholarly gentlemen to be excoriated and smeared with all the vile labels. However, name calling does not change the facts in their outstanding book: "The Israel Lobby," by John J. Mearsheimer of the University of Chicago and Stephen M. Walt of harvard's John F. Kennedy School of Government, was one of the most controversial articles in recent memory. Originally published in the London Review of Books in March 2006, the essay provoked both howls of outrage and cheers of gratitude for examining one of the most taboo issues in America: the impact of the Israel lobby on US. foreign policy. According to the NY Times Magazine, it "slammed into the opinion-making world with a Category 5 force." I don't' know why. Recall what Ari Shavit said in the New York Times back in 1996: "We killed them out of a certain naive hubris. Believing with absolute certitude that now, with the White House, the Senate and much of the American media in our hands, the lives of others do not count as much as our own." Israel controls the U.S. Senate, the White House and much of the prostitute "mainstream" media. Ari Shavit said it because it's true. That book carefully lays out - and its fully footnoted - how our policies through the Middle East are damaging to both Israel and America's long term security. In the conclusion section of the book, beginning on page 335, they lay out several realities and proposals. The one thing I disagree with, page 344: "If Israel remains unwilling to grant the Palestinians a viable state -- or if it ties to impose an unjust solution unilaterally - then the United States should curtail its economic and military support." The U.S. Constitution does not give Congress any authority to steal the fruits of our labor to give to Israel or any other country on this earth for economic or military reasons. On page 345, the authors do ask the hard question about peace between Israel and the Palestinian people: What is the alternative? What vision of the future do hard-line defenders of Israel have to offer instead? They offer up three possible solutions, but only the Palestinians and Israel's can bring enough heat on their elected leadership to come to a final solution for both sides. None of the choices are easy ones for either side, but I ask how much longer, how much more war and death has to happen before the hard choices are made? The problems are complex because Israel isn't just going to up and move out of the area they now occupy. Palestine wants things back the way they were pre-1948. That isn't going to happen. There is an 83-page version of The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy by John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen M. Walt on line here. While that presentation was written in 2006, you can see nothing has changed for the better, only the worse.
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